Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Advent Day 4 and 5

This is the most I've blogged on here in a while, so I'm forgiving myself for not getting to it every day! LOL (it works in my head as an excuse)

December 4-Luke 2:7 Why did Mary lay baby Jesus in a manger?
We had a major meltdown about who was going to be the one to read the star. It ended up being Tyler even though I told Brooke she could. I don't know for sure what happened there, but it all worked out. We had a great discussion about how Jesus came to earth and was humble. It was good for the kids to hear that he wasn't rich, and he didn't have tons of stuff. As a new baby he was laid on pokie hay and in a place where the animals lived. As a mother I can't imagine having a new born baby in those circumstances.

December 5-Luke 2:8-11 To whom did the angel announce the Savior's birth?
Tyler read the sat and the scripture to us. Mike was reading it and Tyler was repeating what he said. Mike and I were cracking up. Tyler would lean in to Mike to hear what he had to say and then bounce straight up to announce it to the family. It was so cute. It was actually kind of perfect for the scriptures we were reading. We talked about how strange it must have been for people who had no warning or idea of what an angel might be. The kids thought they would be scared like the shepherds were, but then they would be happy when they heard the good news.

The female angel on the left side with the dark hair is Kelly Roper...one of the sister missionaries who taught me the gospel!

1 comment:

Doulabug said...

Glad your blog is back! Missed it.

New Year Day

Today was a fun day. Mike and I sat the kids down and explained our new chore system and any over our expectations of them. It seemed to go...