Thursday, December 27, 2007

You May Have Noticed...

That the title of our last blog was "Nerry Christmas," and you may be wondering why? Well, one of our most favorite Christmas cards this year was one I received from my late Aunt's boyfriend. He was very sweet to think of us! I hung up his card on the doorway as I always do with my Christmas cards, and Sunday before Christmas I was sitting on the couch staring at the cards. Well, I thought maybe I was seeing things, but when I showed Mike, he confirmed that I wasn't crazy (well, at least not when it came to the card :)). See for yourself!


GFP said...

I nove nhis Nhristmas nard!!!

Lynette said...

That's hilarious! I saw a Christmas card where someone had spelled their own name wrong..silly.

New Year Day

Today was a fun day. Mike and I sat the kids down and explained our new chore system and any over our expectations of them. It seemed to go...